About the Journal

The Journal Contemporary Materials has been published by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republic of Srpska twice a year since 2010.

ISSN 1986-8669 (Print)
ISSN 1986-8677 (Online)
DOI: 10.725
COBISS.RS-ID 18414342

The papers published in the scientific journal Contemporary Materials cover four scientific areas: natural, technical, biotechnical and medical sciences. The program concept of the journal is based on multidisciplinary scientific presentation of contemporary materials, their application in science, technology and industry, especially in areas such as: research of new materials; nanostructured materials; modern technologies of production of modern materials; materials with changed properties; eco and non-eco materials; biomaterials, water and nanomedicine; application of modern materials in technology, mechanical, textile and electrical industry, agriculture, construction, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy …; materials for nutrition and storage of foodstuff; packaging materials (packaging); recycled materials and the problem of waste; standardization and characterization of materials; systematization of quality and control of usability of materials; improvement of life using contemporary materials; other issues related to modern materials.

All papers published in this Journal are reviewed by at least two reviewers and reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and vice versa. The reviewed papers are categorized as: original scientific paper, Review paper, short scientific paper, scientific review (polemics, discussion), professional paper, information supplement (editorial, comment) and overview. The papers are sent electronically to the address: jcm@anurs.org.

The author warrants that the article is original, written by the stated author/s, had not been published before and will not be submitted anywhere else for publication prior to acceptance/rejection by the Contemporary Materials Journal, contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe the rights of others, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author/s.

Papers to be published in the Contemporary Materials Journal, should be written in British English. The metrology and terminology used in the paper have to meet legal regulations, standards and International System of Units (SI) (Quantities and Units: ISO 80 000 – from Part 1 to Part 14).

The author hereby assigns to the Journal the copyright in the above article, throughout the world, in any form, in any language, for the full term of copyright, effective upon acceptance for publication.

Editorial policy

The manuscript for this Journal should be prepared in line with the Instructions to authors of Contemporary Materials Journal. Any manuscript submitted to our Journal must not have already been published in another Journal or be under consideration by any other Journal. Thus, all papers submitted to the Journal must be original contributions and should not be under consideration for publication in another Journal simultaneously. The manuscripts of papers presented at conferences can be submitted unless they have been published as part of the conference proceedings in a peer reviewed Journal. The authors are required to ensure that no material submitted as part of the manuscript infringes the existing copyrights, or the rights of a third party. The authors who publish in Contemporary Materials Journal need to transfer the copyright of their work to our Jornal to make it an open-access paper to global readers.

Contemporary Materials Journal follows double blind review with respect to contributors and reviewers; however, it is possible that a reviewer may have seen an earlier version of the research in the form of a conference paper, a paper presented at a research seminar, or a working paper. The Editorial Board is aware of author/s’ identity.

  • Number of Reviewers: Most often two but sometimes more independent reviewers.
  • Average Time Required for Review: It depends from case to case. As we have already mentioned, most papers will be reviewed by two or more independent reviewers. They may also be read and considered by the Members of the Journal’s Editorial Board and ultimately by the editor(s) before a decision is rendered. The reviewers are academics or professionals working in the field and also writing papers themselves. They offer their time and their expertise voluntarily in order to assist in the improvement of papers and to encourage new research in their topic of interest. Delays will inevitably occur when reviewers are busy. They may have a number of journals sending them papers to be reviewed. Our Journal may also receive high levels of submissions throughout the year. The Editorial Board of our Journal work tirelessly to ensure that peer review is as timely and rigorous as possible. Waiting times can vary, depending on the subject area.
  • Article publication charges: We do not charge any author fees for publication their articles.
  • Reviewers’ Comments to Authors: Yes, through the Editor-in-Chief
  • Ultimate decision-maker: The Editor-in-Chief

Open Access Policy and Copyright

In accordance with definition of open access, all content is freely available without charge to the user by Gratis and Libre Open Access definition of open access. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Contemporary Materials Journal applies the CC BY-NC under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, associated with the increased readership and increased citation of an author’s work. Open Access: DOI Srpska.

Peer Review Process

Based on the reviews, editorial board decides on paper publishing and informs the author within 3 months from paper receipt. Papers should be prepared in accordance with the Instructions to Authors for Contemporary Materials review.

Reviews and publishing. All papers are anonymously reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. On the basis of reviews, editorial staff makes decision on paper publishing and informs the author about it within three months from paper receipt.

Publication frequency

Journal published twice a year, December and June, from 2010.

Indexing and Abstracting

Journal is referred in (Abstracting and Indexing):
